
Corporate Training

The fact that TCA has earned the reputation as a trusted partner in professional development and management education that improves immediate performance as well as provides long-term results for individuals and organizations. We team up with our clients to deliver sustainable and measurable results. Tanzania Corporate Academy provides smart training services to a wide variety of both financially sound and distressed organizations, private individuals, leading academic institutions, medium-sized businesses, government bodies, start-ups and more established companies in the market.

what we offer

With high level of accuracy of meeting corporate performance gaps, we offer trainings in the areas of:

Corporate Leadership Masterclass

Following the everchanging corporate world, regular capacity building interventions across various corporate actors are envisaged to be of paramount significance. The fact that it is important in the corporate environment for professionals to be aware of contemporary world-class executive leadership traits, standards and strategies; TCA provides Corporate Leadership Masterclass for Corporate Executives and Associates to avail professional hands-on skills for coping with the everchanging corporate world. The training aims to assist corporate executives with useful strategic skills in building stronger, better and more successful corporate leadership roles inside and outside their workplaces.

Corporate Protocol and Professional Etiquette Training

TCA provides world-class business protocol and etiquette trainings to corporates which aspires to rise to greater heights. The Academy works with a wide range of industries including Banking, PR, Customer Services, Sales and Marketing and all those who represent the corporates publicly. The modern business world evaluates corporates competencies basing on their employees’ looks, body language, gestures, ability to converse and interact with others and how the corporates manage social and business situations such as receptions and meals. Through our corporate protocol and professional etiquette capacity building interventions, we provide our clients with our best-kept industry secrets through world-class professional trainings, talent development and performance enhancement interventions.

Management Development

TCA is one of the foremost management development consultancies in East Africa. We believe that culture and leadership transformation begin with personal awareness and responsibility. We cannot transform the culture of the company, organisation or our planet unless the individuals within corporates are willing to examine and transform their own behaviours. As management consultants, we specialise in partnering with organisations and leaders internationally to create meaningful business transformations ranging from Board of Directors, Management to Operations spectrum.

Project Management, Quality Management and Restructuring

With a pool of world class professionals, TCA offers cutting-edge project management, quality management and restructuring services to a wide range of clients. Ranging from project write-ups, M&E trainings, management auditing and organizational restructuring options, TCA is committed to support our clients with quality deliverables on time.

Word class soft-skills programs

TCA has been engaged in developing result-based tailored training programs based not only on the latest international management principles and practices, but also on field research, first-hand experience, in-depth knowledge of the region and the specific requirements of organizations and markets at large. Our training programs are continually updated, and made open to participants from any organization. Participants also benefit from sharing experiences with people from other organizations and gain a new perspective on common problems. The Academy relies on a variety of innovative training and facilitation methods and techniques. Used whenever applicable, these methods are aimed at enhancing individual and group interaction while maximizing learning. To ensure the concepts and skills introduced in our soft-skills programs are duly transferred to the workplace, TCA is ready to incorporate an "action plan" section at the end of any training program. This section will constitute an integral part of the training and will be completed by the participants before the closing of the program to ensure tangible results from learning.